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Current Activities of Florida Chapters
Current Activities of Florida Chapters
Cypress Chapter
- Pushing for effective restoration of the Everglades and Florida Bay (the Everglades ecosystem), including imposition of tax on sugar sales and elimination of federal sugar subsidy.
- Monitoring coastal development activities.
- Working for responsible wildlife management policies in the Big Cypress National Preserve.
Florida Keys Chapter
- Pushing for effective restoration of the Everglades and Florida Bay (the Everglades ecosystem).
- Challenging the plans for a commercial airport at Homestead Air Force Base which would endanger the health of Biscayne National Park and Everglades National Park.
- Working for adoption of responsible regulation of personal water craft (PWCs), also known as "jet skis" in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
- Providing college scholarship funds for deserving high-school seniors.
- Working on the Water Quality Joint Action Committee to promote protection of water quality in the Florida Keys.
Manatee-Sarasota Chapter
- Pushing for effective restoration of the Everglades and Florida Bay (the Everglades ecosystem), including imposition of tax on sugar sales and elimination of federal sugar subsidy.
- Working on Sarasota Bay protection programs
- Working on programs to insure environmentally safe operations of phosphate mining industry.
- Educating the public about the environmental dangers of using "Orimulsion" instead of oil to fuel electrical generating plants.
Mangrove Chapter
- Pushing for effective restoration of the Everglades and Florida Bay (the Everglades ecosystem), including imposition of tax on sugar sales and elimination of federal sugar subsidy.
- Challenging the plans for a commercial airport at Homestead Air Force Base which would endanger the health of Biscayne National Park and Everglades National Park.
- Working for completion of land purchases on North Key Largo CARL Project.
- Supporting responsible restoration of Bill Baggs State Park on Key Biscayne, following destruction of the park by Hurricane Andrew.
- Opposing use of state park lands for municipal recreation uses (ball fields) that should be constructed on municipal property.
The reader will note that all of the chapters are working on Everglades Restoration, and several are working on other specific issues. The agreement of our chapters on these issues, despite their diverse locations, indicates how important these issues are. We urge you to learn more about the issues and lend your voice by joining a chapter near you or near a resource you are concerned about.
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Changes last made on: Wed August 8, 2001