The Izaak Walton League is a true "grassroots" organization. Our strength is in our Chapters and our Chapter members. It is the members who teach others how precious our natural resources are and why we must protect those resources.
Each year, Ikes meet at the League's annual convention to share information and develop the League's policies. Prior to each convention, chapters from around the country will have submitted proposals for national resolutions. Much of the work of the national convention involves reviewing, analyzing and consolidating resolutions from many chapters. At the conclusion of the convention, delegates representing the chapter members vote on the proposed resolutions. If a resolution is approved by the vote of the delegates, it becomes the policy of the League. Thus, through a democratic representative process, we develop League policy.
The League has approximately 370 chapters from New York to California; from Puget Sound to the Florida Keys.. Some chapters have lodges, fishing ponds, skeet ranges, and other facilities. Other chapters meet in restaurants, civic centers or other public places.
League chapters vary in size from a few members to over a thousand. Their functions vary, depending on location and size, from those providing restaurants and nearly continuous events of all kinds, to those which meet rarely and focus on protecting just a few natural resources. All of the chapters share a concern for conservation of natural resources.
In Florida, we have four chapters. They are located in Bradenton, Naples, Miami and the Florida Keys. The following information will help you locate the chapter nearest you.
Cypress Chapter, Izaak Walton League of America
Charles Dauray, President
Post Office Box 97
Estero, Florida 33928
Office: (941) 992-2184
FAX: (941) 495-0201
Dues are $52.00 for individual memberships, $78.00 for family memberships. This includes national dues of $36.00 for individuals and $54.00 for family memberships, and state dues of $4.00 for individuals and $6.00 for family memberships. Student memberships are $24 and Youth (under 18 yrs) memberships ae $9.60.
Florida Keys Chapter, Izaak Walton League of America
Michael Chenoweth, President
Post Office Box 236
Homestead, Florida 33090-0236
Phone: (305) 451-0993
FAX: (305) 567-2706
Dues are $52.00 for individual memberships, $78.00 for family memberships. This includes national dues of $36.00 for individuals and $54.00 for family memberships, and state dues of $4.00 for individuals and $6.00 for family memberships. Student memberships are $24 and Youth (under 18 yrs) memberships ae $9.60.
The Florida Keys Chapter conducts monthly luncheon meetings during the winter months, and board meetings during the remainder of the year. Visitors are welcome at all member meetings, and members are welcome at board meetings. Please call the President for details about future meetings.
Mangrove Chapter, Izaak Walton League of America
Bob Skinner, President
2730 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 205
Miami, Florida 33129-2339
Telephone: (305) 285-0916
Dues are $45.00 for individual memberships, $61.00 for family memberships. This includes national dues of $36.00 for individuals and $54.00 for family memberships, and state dues of $4.00 for individuals and $6.00 for family memberships. Student memberships are $24 and Youth (under 18 yrs) memberships ae $9.60.
For information regarding chapters in other parts of the country, please call the National Izaak Walton League of America, Membership Office.